D-Link institute is serving in the field of IT Training. We always put in our best efforts to train young aspiring professionals in the latest trends of the IT industry, so that they are placed well in various organizations leading to a successful career.
Our vision is to develop as a leader in imparting quality industrial training to students of the region and to make them better professional.
Our day starts with our mission to accomplish “A-B-C-D”:
Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojana is a unique initiative by the Government of India that aims to offer 24 lakh Indian youth meaningful, industry relevant, skill based training. Under this scheme, the trainees will be offered a financial reward and a government certification on successful completion of training and assessment, which will help them in securing a job for a better future.
The skill sector council in which you can enroll are:
For any queries Contact Us At: +91 98-5599-5699
Enroll Now:) I will start writing with a smile as this was an amazing fantastic experience to learn Asp.Net from DLink.......I got the best project award in BCA and tats just becoz of Sandeep Sir & Shub Sir
The students fully enjoyed it, paid close attention to it, and I am sure it will give them food for thought for a long time to come. Please tell the presenter how much we appreciated his/her time and knowledge. they did a wonderful job!" Mother of Sonakshi Thanks :)